Composting 101 - Free Workshop June 4th @930 - Rossland Community Garden

June 4 9:30 to 11:30 am

Join us June 4th at 9:30 AM for this FREE workshop on composting at the Rossland Community Garden Learn about the basics of backyard composting in Rossland. This interactive workshop will cover the dos and don't of composting in bear country and will include information on: • soil microbes and the science or composing • what you should and should not put in your outdoor compost pile • basic compost bin construction • responsible composting - minimizing odours and wildlife attractants • the benefits of adding organic matter to your garden. This is a good introductory workshop for people wanting to compost their outdoor yard and garden waste and green materials from their kitchen. Rachael Roussin is our workshop host and has been a lazy but passionate backyard composter for over 15 years in Rossland. Every year she turns her compost pile to add the black gold to her vegetable garden to help grow delicious vegetables. Rachael's goal is to make her backyard garden into a sponge that can soak up water and feed soil microbes to provide nutrients to her vegetables!